Beta testing for all

Today we’re widening the net to allow any Cleanfeed user access to some of the features that are happening as part of our Research and Development (R&D) process.

We do a lot of beta testing with customers in response to specific feature requests or needs. This is great for professional users as part of a large organisation, but often Cleanfeed’s individual podcaster and journalist users are also often interested in what we’re developing.

Now, any user can opt-in to beta test some of our new features by selecting your “Profile” and then scrolling down to the option:


Just use the drop-down menu to select your choice, and press the ‘tick’ button to apply the change.

Please note, that ‘beta’ means testing features; they could be:

  • unstable: they might crash your browser, eat all your audio files or just simply not work at all
  • subject to change: as we experiment with what works and what doesn’t, we could add things, move things or take them away
  • not fully tested: that’s where you come in!

The number and nature of the features available for beta testing can also vary too.

If the idea of any of these doesn’t appeal to you then please don’t enable the beta features. These are very much an added ‘bonus’ for those who want them, and come with absolutely no warranty.

But if you’re evaluating Cleanfeed for wider use and want to see where we’re headed; working with less ‘serious’ applications than broadcast production; or like to live life on the edge a little then please give the features a try. In return we’ll try to take account of all your feedback as we develop.